Live fish directly from our family fish farm to your door!

New Arrivals - How to Properly Acclimate Your Goldfish or Koi Order

Acclimating new fish or aquatic life to your aquarium or pond is a critical process that ensures their health and well-being. Proper acclimation minimizes stress and helps the fish adjust to their new environment. The following guidelines outline the steps necessary for effective acclimation.

First acclimation step is to open the box, but not the bagOPEN BOX, BUT NOT THE BAG

Compare the temperature of the water in the bag with that of your aquarium or pond. It is essential that the temperatures are as close as possible to prevent thermal shock. Ideally, the fish should be released into water that is within a few degrees of the temperature they arrived in. 

Step 2 to receiving new fish is floating your unopened bag in your tank or aquariumFLOAT UNOPENED BAG

To acclimate the fish, float the unopened bag in your tank or aquarium. This method allows the water inside the bag to gradually adjust to the temperature of the aquarium water. If you are floating the bag outside, ensure that it is kept in the shade to protect it from direct sunlight, which can raise the temperature of the water inside the bag too quickly. This process typically requires no more than 15 to 20 minutes.

Step 3 is to gently remove the fish and place in their new home.WHEN WATER TEMPS MATCH

After the acclimation period, gently remove the fish or other aquatic life from the bag. It is crucial to avoid adding the bag water to your aquarium or pond. The water in the bag may contain elevated levels of ammonia due to fish waste, which can be harmful to your aquatic system. By following these acclimation guidelines, you can help ensure a smooth transition for your new aquatic life, promoting their health and longevity in your aquarium or pond.

Be sure to quarantine new arrivals and treat your water for chlorineHELPFUL TIPS

We recommend to quarantine new arrivals before introducing them to your main aquarium or pond. Quarantine helps to prevent the spread of potential diseases and allows you to monitor the health of the new fish in a controlled environment. A quarantine period of at least two weeks is generally advised, during which you can observe for any signs of illness or distress.

We also recommended before receiving goldfish, koi or aquatic life to first treat the water to remove chlorine and other harmful chemicals. This can be achieved by using a water conditioner specifically designed for aquarium use. These conditioners neutralize chlorine and chloramine, making the water safe for fish. It is crucial to follow the manufacturer's instructions regarding dosage to ensure effective treatment.

please note that live animals take some time to recover from shippingPLEASE NOTE THAT LIVE ANIMALS TAKE SOME TIME TO RECOVER FROM SHIPPING

Allow your fish a few hours to adjust to their new enviroment, then contact us directly at if you have issues.